lg2 boutique

identity / september 26th (2012) / 10.46 AM / from Ubud . Bali



Project of the day / sept 25th / Pure & Authentic by Atelier Bidule

identity / september 25th (2012) / 9.39 PM / from Ubud . Bali



The creative method

identity / september 20th (2012) / 7.47 PM / from Bali Buddha . Ubud . Bali



City of Montgomery . Alabama by John Wilson

identity / september 16th (2012) / 11.43 PM / from Ubud . Bali


We are now in Bali... 2 times in the same year, I wouldn't have believed it last year... So, we are now in a nice place, but it is still not the best place for us... We look for one, if you can help ! Until I have more interesting things to share than my everyday life, let's get some inspiration for now...


Pavel Emelyanov

identity / september 3td (2012) / 1.40 PM / from Cap d'Agde - France / The beatles White album


2 new projects by Pavel Emelyanov...

revision.ru/a/Pashtet777 / www.eskimodesign.ru / www.behance.net/Levap



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