Boglárka Nádi

identity / august 20th (2012) / 10.35 PM / from St Maurice de Cazevielle - France /Daft Punk /


identity / august 17th (2012) / 11.40 AM / from St Maurice de Cazevielle - France


I already publish some of Manual projects, but they deserve to be highlighted again ;)

La Tortilleria

identity / august 13th (2012) / 12.16 PM / from St Maurice de Cazevielle - France /Fiona Apple covering "Across the universe"


I never really plan what I will publish here... sometimes projects are waitting weeks to be, some are published as soon as I found them...Projects by La Tortilleria can't wait...

The 2012 calendar is now out of stock, and I am not sure there will be one in 2013 seeing my plan of moving to Bali and other projects started... If there is one, it won't be a 13 cards projects this time... let's wait what my dreams told me to do...



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