posted on april 29th

I buy the www.fabienbarral.com url to sum up all my projects on 1 page... Between 5 projects, I try to update my web site and portfolio... you can now contact me at ecrire(a)fabienbarral.com

Here comes my new logo.

Red Labor
posted in graphic section on april 26th
See all selected images on the graphic section
put in design section on april 25th
I was thinking of putting this on graphic section, or print... but design is good to ;) A selection of very nice and special packaging, found on the amazing and the must visted often "the dieline" blog.
Emmanuel Polanco - POE illustrations
update his exellence page on april 24th
Emmanuel update his web site with some new projects, and I love these poe illustrations...
Check his exellence page | http://www.emmanuelpolanco.net/
Mucca design
posted in identity section on april 20th
Mucca design present some very nice and specifis works for restaurants... they also do other design projects, but their restaurants projects are my favorits.
See all the selected project in the identity section
added in print and identity sections on april 16th

see all the pictures selected in the print and identity section | http://www.bbsaunders.com/

HHCL united by Hawaii design
Posted in the Identity section on april 15th
My VIRB profile
I spend some hours on VIRB to put my profile there... I always hate myspace, because it is so hard to make it looks nice... but Virb is so easy with CSS...

So, I put there 75 images, graphic design & photographies, to sum up what I am and what I do... A new way to discover my work...
Jeremy Cowart
Put in the photo section on April 11th
See all pictures selected in the photo section
http://www.jeremycowart.com/ discovered via http://www.virb.com/
Jules Verne by Ely Sarig
Put in print section on april 10th
nice illustration/graphic work for these Jules Verne books.
Peter Jaworowski
put in graphic section on april 10th
Some more nice images by Peter Jaworowski, this time more commercial and for clients...

Get the glass
Put on other section on april 6th
This project is amazing. It is an online game..

play it to discover how great it is : http://www.gettheglass.com/

See behind the scene : http://www.h4che.com/milk/
Super famous
Added in identity section on April 5th
See all the images selected in the identity section
April splash page by Gerald G
Check Gerald G exellence page
Tolleson design
posted in exellence section on april 4th
Some years ago, when I was a young designer, I buy a book, called "Tolleson design"... it is my bible... They update their web site at the bigining of the year, with picture of the amazing works they have done with gmund paper.
Check Tollson exellence page for all the pictures >>
Reno Orange
update his exellence page on march 28th
Reno is simply my favorit graphic designer... we met up at design school in 1996, then work together from 1998 to 2001 as "1 prise 2 têtes"...This is only few of his projects as art director for "Les Alchimistes".
Check RENO exellence page for all the pictures >>



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March 2007
Feb. 2007
Jan. 2007
Dec. 2006
Nov. 2006 pt2
Nov. 2006 pt1
Sept.Oct 2006
August 2006
Jully 2006