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Marco Campedelli

graphic / september 5th / 10:25 PM


Remember the calligraph/graphic design book I talk last month, here come the work of its author, Marco Campedelli...
KHUAN+KTRON European trip

graphic / august 16th / 10:13 AM / Josh Ritter |
The Office of Feltron

graphic / august 12th / 9:08 AM / Camille


The art of graphics !!
Calligraphy and graphic design

graphic / august 10th / 4:18 PM / Muse


I really like calligraphy, even use it in my own work when I can (see CAM project done with calligrapher Christel Loop). This book, as the title said, show a lot of (too much !) exemple of graphic design project with calligraphy...

Thanks to your emails, you can found it here | and I get in contact with the author of the book, more about him soon ;)
Vintage photo poster by Jeremy Slagle

graphic / july 23th / 11:58 PM
Ugur Derinogullu

graphic / july 21th / 12:11 PM




Graphic archives 18 | see all the archives